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About Grafica Group

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So far Grafica Group has created 39 blog entries.
1 07, 2013

More Initiatives

July 1st, 2013|History|

along with our continuous work in the Lenca communities in La Esperanza, Intibucá, we continued to be part of other national and international initiatives such as:

  • ICF Initiative for Honduras, Progressio Young Leaders Forum
  • Global Conference on Democracy, Human Rights and the Fragility of Liberty, McGill University Center for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism
  • Echenberg Fellowship 2013
  • My PYME Participation and Gender Equality Program UN-Habitat Nairobi.
1 04, 2012

Our First Forum

April 1st, 2012|History|

After an enormous planning and logistics we organized our "First Forum on Legal Empowerment and Human Rights". JLC Tegucigalpa, Honduras Central America.

  • Participation in the Forum on Gender, Human Rights and Health sponsored by Panamerican Health Organization. International leadership program. for Human Rights. United States, Connecticut.
  • UN-Habitat Participation and Gender Equality MSME Program, Nairobi.
  • Representation in the Central American Youth Movement Against Violence at the annual meeting of the Central American Integration System (SICA) Guatemala City, Guatemala
15 11, 2011

Official Governmental Registration

November 15th, 2011|History|

This year we work on Specific issues of gender equality in the country's democratic system, promoting awareness workshops to combat Domestic Violence in rural areas, planning for the implementation of rural legal clinics begins. We address issues of drug and alcohol prevention in youth in several of our beneficiary communities. Intensified professional training workshops on issues of leadership, etiquette, interpersonal relationships, entrepreneurship for our members. And finally, after many efforts, we were able to obtain our official governmental registration, this fundamental achievement allowed us to establish contacts with potential donors and national and international organizations with which we can make strategic agreements for the execution of projects in benefit of the Lenca communities with which JLC had and currently has a direct relationship.

1 01, 2010

New Members

January 1st, 2010|History|

Filtering and selection of new members, Strengthening of our working committees. Creation of our Work Plan for 2010; The Dental Brigades and self-help workshops and the training continues in indigenous human rights in specific areas, along with continuous research to direct the focus of our next Projects