January 1, 2021

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Reading time: 2min

Despite international laws and regulations aimed at protecting women’s rights, there are still communities where women’s rights are not respected, and they are subjected to legal relationships that put them at a disadvantage. To address this issue, our project seeks to ensure that women’s rights are respected and that their roles in society are not limited to submission.

Through this project, we have seen significant changes in the beneficiary communities. Women are becoming aware of their rights and are able to enforce them within their homes and society. To further promote gender equality, we have implemented the following initiatives:

  1. Women’s soccer team: We created the first women’s soccer team as a pilot project, which was then replicated in many other communities in Intibucá. This initiative facilitated access to workshops on topics that were previously taboo, such as women’s rights and gender equality.
  2. Women’s self-help group: This initiative aims to empower women psychologically and socially. We provide self-esteem workshops and teach them about entrepreneurship, so they can achieve economic independence and prevent manipulation by their spouses in some cases.
  3. Workshops and seminars: We organize workshops and seminars for all members of the beneficiary families to create a culture of respect for women’s rights.

Through these initiatives, we aim to create a society where women’s rights are respected and valued, and where they are able to play an active role in their communities.