January 1, 2021

Women Employment

Women Employment

Reading time: 3min

JLC has been committed to promoting independence and sustainable living for communities while upholding basic human rights standards. To achieve this, JLC has created the Women Employment Project for Indigenous Communities. This project ensures that women from indigenous communities have access to stable jobs that comply with all the rights and benefits provided by law.

The Women Employment Project aims to empower and educate women by equipping them with various tools that enable them to secure stable jobs with better economic conditions. The project involves two main areas of work: housekeeping and babysitting. Women can work in households, performing specific daily errands, or offer babysitting services to families in need.

Direct Benefits of the Program

Participating in this program offers women numerous benefits, including

  1. Finding stable and good jobs that come with all the benefits provided by law.
  2. The program also monitors job contacts.
  3. JLC ensures that all labor rights are respected in each job.
  4. Women participating in this program gain empowerment and new skills that offer better opportunities and salaries.
  5. The project also provides sustainable income for rural and indigenous families.

 Way the Program works 

JLC offers informal empowerment and educational workshops to women interested in participating in the program. The organization creates a profile for each woman in the program, which is then made public on their website for potential employers to see and select.

JLC acts as an intermediary between the employer and the woman until the contract is signed and both parties agree to the salary and labor conditions. JLC also monitors the labor relations between both parties through phone calls to ensure that everything is working out as agreed in the contract.

Profile of women 

Each woman who participates in the employment program has a profile that shows her specific skills, which are guaranteed by the organization. This way, employers with specific requirements will know exactly what a woman can or cannot do. The aim of this project is to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the labor relation.