February 19, 2021

Nadia’s Experience – Community opportunities

Nadia’s Experience – Community opportunities

Reading time: 4min

I have always been a person who likes to travel and see new places, I have never looked only for luxurious or comfortable places, so from the first time I was invited to participate in a trip with JLC it was exciting, and I had high expectations about everything.

Definitely, words fall short to describe the place, the people, and the great potential that exists in the Belén community to carry out large and beneficial projects.

Let me tell you a little about that little trip, I had never been to La Esperanza, so that added excitement, the night before I slept so little because of it; We left La Esperanza to the community, approximately 1 hour on a beautiful mountain road, or several mountains, full of vegetation, you could tell that it was a little or none explored place and I could only imagine the amount of beautiful and unexplored places that exist around there and I also imagined all the potential that there was for an association like JLC to help that community.

Launch Event
Second trip, launching the project with the community, it was decided to take various of the sponsors to see one of the places where one of the projects would take place, a place that, although it was a bit deteriorated by the storms that occurred recently, and a place where the hand of man has not modified anything, I was perplexed by the beauty of that place, a crystalline and refreshing waterfall that simply left me speechless, a stream of water, where I could imagine spending an afternoon de-stressing , and areas, where I clearly saw tents, bonfires and endless moments, which would give the volunteers and the community the opportunity to take advantage of the place, being friendly with the environment, where people and nature can coexist, to provide an experience of a lifetime.

And this is just one of the places, the people of the community itself, who will be able to provide visitors with endless experiences outside the day-to-day life of a city, technology, work and obligations.

There are many places to explore, activities to do, that benefit the locals, it just takes an open mind and an activated imagination. I am sure that many very good ideas and projects will emerge along the way and growth of JLC.