February 15, 2021

Hand To Hand With The Communities

Hand To Hand With The Communities

Reading time: 3min

The JLC volunteer program was launched with the idea of learning how to bring new ideas to the communities and how this would help directly  the beneficiary community. In 2015 when the British volunteer first came was a new and different experience for every party involved in this process. Once they landed in Honduras soil , culture,  gastronomy , language was a high challenge for every volunteer , at the beginning of the cycle an individual working plan was given to all volunteers with projects that were for great benefit for the groups in a situation of vulnerability .

When the first cycle of volunteers arrived at the community one hour from La Esperanza city , the whole community was waiting for us , with hands and heart open to receive the volunteers. After the presentation of the communities the work started immediately,  the group of women were ready and eager to learn about prevention of violence , self respect and how to become independent as a productive member of society; at the same time other groups of volunteers was working with young leaders presenting ideas of how to make a sustainable income and support their families thru sustainable ideas. 

After a working week with the communities,  friendship and strong relationships were built under an atmosphere of teamwork. Projects were on their path , and everything changed for the indigenous groups that for the first time they were all working together for a better commonwealth. Now the community knows that there are different ways to live and that they have the power to change things , this is the power of volunteering,  this is the power of social change , this is the power of being an agent of change. The beneficiary  community now knows that they can do better and that with team working and cultural change they can achieve great things. 

We encourage all volunteers around the world to join our journey and to live the experience of changing lives through volunteer work overseas.